Issue 3 2024
Message from the Principal
Kaya Carramar families
I hope everyone enjoyed some precious family time over the long weekend, honouring Labour Day. It has provided a very timely mid-term break to refuel ready for the rest of the term.
Thank you to Mr Greyling and Ms Chandler for coordinating our recent Clean up Carramar Day. This very important event, reminding us of the importance of caring for our environment. It was also fantastic to see many members of the public out and about yesterday doing their part to Keep Australia Beautiful. Thank you all for your ongoing efforts. See more information and photos further in the newsletter.
As mentioned, in our first newsletter, Cooperative Learning is being implemented across the school. This is in response to our data related to behaviour, both in the playground and in the classroom. Cooperative Learning is an evidenced based teaching strategy in which small groups/teams of students, of different levels of ability work together using a variety of strategies to improve their learning and relationships with each other. Mrs Lesley McCarthy, one of our Year 6 teachers, who is a trained Kagan Coach and identified Future Leader, is leading this initiative. She has presented Professional Learning to all staff and is also coaching identified key staff across cohorts and specialist areas.
I am very proud of the progress both our staff and students are making after only a few weeks. At our Faction Friday Assembly in Week 4, Mrs McCarthy led the school (Yr 1-6) in a Cooperative Learning session. Students (nearly 600 of them) listened carefully to Mrs McCarthy’s instructions, then turned to a partner, (some they had never met before) and sat knees to knees without speaking. Whilst this may have had to be practiced a couple of times, the students now know that next time, it will be perfect first off. They numbered off and performed a “Rally Robin” where they spoke and listened to their partners about 'cooperation'. They were also taught to use a “Gambit” and shared some responses. Students participated in a game called 'Double-double, This, that’, which they thoroughly enjoyed. They then performed a 'Firecracker' celebration, which they loved. Staff were very proud of the students, and it was a wonderful to see just how powerful Cooperative Learning can be as a whole-school practice. I am especially proud of identified key staff year who are embracing this practice and their role as coaches in their individual Professional Learning Communities. We look forward to this initiative building throughout the year.
It’s hard to believe we are now in Week 6, past the halfway mark of Term 1. The next few weeks see many exciting things happening at our school. Our first Student Minister fundraising event for the year is on this Friday 8th March. The focus for all these events, one per term, will be raising funds for children and community charities.
The first event planned is a Red Day to honour the Salvation Army. Children are asked to wear red and bring a gold coin donation.
Next week Monday 11th March, will be our first Playgroup Session for the year. I believe we have 10 families who have already registered – this is fantastic! Research shows attending playgroups benefit both children and their parents. The regular groups support children’s social development, ease the transition to school, and improve overall health, while also providing social and health support to parents, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities. Sincere thanks to Hollie Hawtin for coordinating this wonderful opportunity for our future Carramar Stars.
Planning is well underway for our Year 3 and 5 students in readiness for NAPLAN 2024, 13th-22nd March. Thank you to Ms DelCaro for her coordination and all Year 3 and 5 staff and parents for the support they have and will provide the children. We know they will do their best which is all we ask.
Our Year 6 students are getting excited as the date for their annual camp at Kerem Adventure Camp gets closer, Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th March. Students and staff will engage in a variety of activities, which often take them outside their comfort zones. It is pleasing to see the level of encouragement and the faces of the children, and staff, when they push themselves to achieve success in challenges they have not previously encountered. Sincere thanks to all Year 6 staff, and additional support staff for giving up their time after hours to support the children.
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing efforts in modelling safe road use around the school. The electronic speed signs on Houghton Drive have certainly captured the attention of our students. Well done to all drivers who received the smiley face for honouring the speed limit. Unfortunately parking continues to be an issue, and I strongly urge parents NOT TO park along the curb of Houghton Drive in the NO STANDING area. It is greatly inhibiting the vision of motorists and families attempting to cross the road. If you need to park to drop off or collect your child, please consider using the parking area at the rear of the shopping centre and entering the school near the basketball court gates.
Practicing and rehearsing emergencies, without any real threat, helps everyone know how to behave if a real threat or emergency should present. In coming weeks, we will be having an Evacuation Practice Drill. Thank you for your support and for talking to your children about this. Our message for everyone is to stay calm and for students to follow the direction of their teachers.
Have a wonderful fortnight.
Maree James
Merit Award Recipients
Year 1- Joshua, Stevee, Evie, Eric, Aiva, Jaden, Brayden, Lola
Year 2- Lola, Reinhardt, Mason, Kaleigh, Nova
Year 3- Lola, Jasmine, Jamie, Jake, Ollie, Koby, Samarth
Year 4- Tommy, Kash, Liam, Logan
Year 5- Sienna, Hayley, Seth, Johnson, Wyatt, Indi-Jo
Year 6- Matilda, Jaxson, Alisha, Rafferty, Hunter, Poppy, Eddie, Kyrl, Estelle
Music with Ms Malinovic
Carramar’s Community Piano:
Don’t know where the Music Room is? We now have a brightly painted piano just outside the Music Room. Thank you to our artistic Art Teacher, Mrs Camm, who was able to create this masterpiece. Thank you to Mrs Pearce who donated the old family piano to our school. Even though it could not be tuned, we brighten our school with the love of music. Ms Malinovic loves seeing our students find joy in the old piano.
Wundig Wer Wilura – Noongar Opera:
Wundig wer Wilura is an ancient Noongar story. This production is sung in Noongar by Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse. Ms Malinovic recently attended His Majesty’s Theatre in Perth where the West Australian Symphony Orchestra played alongside the West Australian Opera performance. It was wonderful to see Chanel, an ex-Carramar student playing part of the Children’s Ensemble on stage.
Science with Year 1's
The children in Rooms 5 and 9 came together to investigate the properties of gloop (also know as oobleck).
Gloop is made from cornflour and water. When it is made, it appears to be a runny liquid but when you touch it, it is really hard.
The children tried to work out if it was a solid or a liquid.
When water is added to cornflour, the long, stringy particles do not dissolve, but they spread themselves out.
This allows the gloop to act both like a solid and a liquid.
Room 4 Year 3 Friendly Fridays Program
As part of our Friendly Fridays program, Room 4 had fun demonstrating cooperation in small groups after the Faction Assembly last Friday. The focus was on showing cooperative skills and listening, to complete a fun task together. This required teamwork and cooperation between pairs and small groups. The challenge involved making up a new routine together and listening to each other to complete the task. Their smiling faces in the photos says it all!
Keep Australia (Carramar) Beautiful
On Friday 1st March, Carramar Primary School students again took part in our annual national Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) Week. It is a time dedicated to raising awareness about the simple things we can all do in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the environment and encourage action to reduce litter. It was awesome to see the eagerness of all the students wanting to make a positive difference in this important community endeavour.
The students were also invited to participate in a mini litter poster colouring competition where prizes will be awarded across all year levels.
Let’s try our best to keep our school and community really beautiful, not just today but every day!
Mr Greyling and Mrs Chandler
T20 Cricket Carnival with Mr Cox
On Thursday the 29th of February a select group of Carramar’s Year Fives and Six students attended the T20 Cricket Carnival at Kingsway Sporting Complex. Well, done to all the students who attended the day from Carramar, it was great to see the abundance of fours, sixes, and wickets from all our boys and girls division sides. The results are as followed:
Girls Team : 3 wins out of 4 games
Boys Team 1: 3 wins out of 4 games
Boys Team 2: 1 win out of 3 games
Special thanks to WA Cricket, Belridge High School Umpires and all the parents who came to help and support our students! Great work Carramar PS students and community!
Mr Malatios and Mr Cox
Sharing Successes
Congratulations to all the Carramar students who have achieved something over the last two weeks. Here are some of the achievers:
Allister’s New Perth Glory FC Adventure
About six weeks ago, Allister From Year 4 joined the well known soccer club Perth Glory! Perth Glory is a professional soccer club in Perth. Carramar Primary School congratulates you on making it onto the Soccer team Allister. What a great achievement!
1st Place Runner Daniel
Daniel from Year 3 took part in a long-distance run with the Woodside Nippers at Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club. Daniel had the amazing achievement of winning first place a few weeks ago! Well done Daniel!
Gymnastics Superstars
Bonnie and Victoria from Year 1 both won a medal for a gymnastics competition. They said they had a very fun time trying new challenges. Well done girls and congratulations!
Mia’s 100th Goal
Mia from Year six scored her 100th goal for the Mullaloo Seastars in her netball game at Bouncers. Mia said she was very proud of this milestone. Everyone on the sideline was cheering and her Dad even lifted her up in excitement. Congratulations Mia!
P&C Chat
We would love to introduce ourselves! You will often see our friendly faces in the school community, so to help put a name to a face, please meet:
P&C President: Simone West.
Simone has been a part of Carramar Primary School since 2017. Simone has 2 children attending Carramar Primary School. Simone has been the president of the P&C for 4 years. The amazing ideas and events are often singlehandedly, Simone's ideas and careful planning. Simone is a dedicated and passionate Carramar parent, supported by her wonderful husband, Darren, and amazing children, Estelle and Braxton. Simone's family will be found at every P&C event, helping from set up to pack down. Simone has been an integral part of the P&C for 5 years now.
Vice President: Louise Graham.
Louise has been part of Carramar Primary School since 2016. Louise has 3 children currently attending Carramar Primary School and one who graduated from the school in 2023. Louise has been an active member of the P&C since 2017. Louise loves being a part of this active and vibrant P&C. Louise's amazing husband Ryan is usually found at every P&C event, and her gorgeous children, Paige, Emma, Maybelle and Otis will be seen helping at every opportunity.
Treasurer and Uniform Shop: Andrea Cassar.
Andrea has been a part of Carramar Primary School since 2019. Andrea has 2 children attending Carramar Primary School. Andrea has been managing and running both our P&C finances and uniform shop with dedication and commitment since 2021, but supported and assisted prior to then. Andrea has the very hard job of keeping Simone and Louise in check with their very extravagant and expensive ideas, therefore running the finances beautifully and efficiently. Andreas incredible husband Charles, is often found helping at the P&C events, as well as her helpful children, Mckensie and Amelia. Andreas extended family is always supporting our school, whether it is behind the scenes or front and centre.
This hugely committed and tireless trio, along with many, many other beautiful people along the way, have raised well over $100,000.00 for our amazing school.
What is a P&C
Who Are We?
We are parents and guardians from our school. We are strictly volunteers.
What Do We Do?
Ultimately, we fundraise to support the school. We, at Carramar P&C, try to run community events along side our fundraising events to build morale and the strong sense of community within our school. Below is a breakdown of some ideas on fundraising and community events we have previously run.
Why is a P&C so important?
We foster strong relationships between the school and the community.We help to provide resources for the school We promote interest in Educational Matters
Why do we do what we do?:It's all for the kids!!!We all want what is best for our kids and we, as the P&C, want to help in any way we can, to provide this. We love to work with the school to help to improve the school grounds, provide funds for Education Learning Tools (ie: Mathletics and Reading Eggs) and upgrade Sports Equipment.
Do we need anything?
Yes!We need help and support from the school community. Sometimes we ask for food donations, sometimes time and sometimes we ask for money. Volunteers to run events is probably our highest priority. Consider offering time where and when you can. An hour here or there makes a huge difference to our work load. We aim to support ALL members of our Carramar community. We know times are tough and our community is very busy, doing their very best for their own families. With this in mind, we understand when these requests are hard to fill. Please consider offering support where you can and know that we will support you through the process.
Fundraising events:
- Sports carnival
- Lapathon
- Colourthons
- Christmas/Twilight Markets
- Quiz Nights
- Lunch Days
And many more
Community Events:
- Disco
- Mothers' Day Stall
- Fathers' Day Stall
- Movie Nights
- Ladies Nights
- Dads events
And many more.